.. _install: Installation and Usage ====================== Required packages ----------------- * numpy * scipy * matplotlib For fitting/optimization * lmfit * emcee For the Jupyter notebook demonstration * jupyter * ipywidgets You may download the `requirements.txt `_ file and do .. code-block:: bash pip install -r requirement.txt to ensure all requirements are satisfied. Installation ------------ The link to the RECTE github repository is `https://github.com/YifZhou/RECTE`_. All the source code files can be found there. The ramp profile calculation is done by the function ``RECTE`` in ``RECTE.py`` Please download the file ``RECTE.py`` and place it in your analysis directory. You may then simply import the function and calculate/fit the ramp profile. .. code-block:: python from RECTE import RECTE We created convenience functions for ramp effect modeling and corrections. These functions are in ``RECTECorrector.py``. Functions ``RECTECorrector1`` and ``RECTECorrector2`` are for correcting ramp effect in the light curves observed using forward-scanning and round-trip-scanning mode, respectively. Detailed explanation of the code are in Section :ref:`API`. We created a Jupyter notebook to demonstrate the usage of RECTE. Please refer it in :ref:`cookbook_label` section.