Installation and Usage

Required packages

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • matplotlib

For fitting/optimization

  • lmfit
  • emcee

For the Jupyter notebook demonstration

  • jupyter
  • ipywidgets

You may download the requirements.txt file and do

pip install -r requirement.txt

to ensure all requirements are satisfied.


The link to the RECTE github repository is ``_. All the source code files can be found there.

The ramp profile calculation is done by the function RECTE in Please download the file and place it in your analysis directory. You may then simply import the function and calculate/fit the ramp profile.

from RECTE import RECTE

We created convenience functions for ramp effect modeling and corrections. These functions are in Functions RECTECorrector1 and RECTECorrector2 are for correcting ramp effect in the light curves observed using forward-scanning and round-trip-scanning mode, respectively.

Detailed explanation of the code are in Section API and Modules.

We created a Jupyter notebook to demonstrate the usage of RECTE. Please refer it in Examples and Cookbook section.